What are the health benefits of eating mango?

Mango is not only delicious but healthy! This article will discuss the health benefits of eating mango and the scientific research behind it.

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Mango is not only delicious but healthy! This article will discuss the health benefits of eating mango and the scientific research behind it.

Mango is the national fruit of India, India produces the most mangoes in the world. This fleshy tropical fruit can be eaten both ripe of used whilst still green in pickles and chutneys. There are hundreds of varieties of mangoes. It’s not just yummy it is also packed full of vitamins and minerals!

Mango nutrition per 100g

Positive health benefits of consuming mango

In research regarding the health benefits of consuming certain foods, proving cause and effect is difficult. Many external factors are involved. It is important to remember this when looking at research and the potential health benefits of consuming mango.

Summary of potential health benefits of consuming mango

  • Supports a healthy heart
  • Reducing fatigue
  • Support immune system
  • High fibre content helping weight loss
  • Helps support eye health

Supports a healthy heart

  • Mango contains magnesium and potassium; both these compounds help blood vessels relax which in turn lowers blood pressure. Lower blood pressure helps support your cardiovascular system. Read our article here on other ways to lower blood pressure without taking medication.
  • Some very early research has been conducted into a compound found in mango known as Mangiferin. Some potential positive health effects are reduced inflammation, antioxidant effects, reducing ‘bad’ cholesterol, reduce the risk of diabetes and supporting the immune system.

Reducing fatigue

  • Improved iron absorption due to high vitamin C levels. To read more about the effect of iron on the body and how deficiency can affect health read our article here.

Support immune system

  • The vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in mangos can provide important health benefits. Some of the vitamins found in mango are vitamin A (anti-inflammatory), vitamin C (promotes wound healing), vitamin K (prevent iron deficiency), vitamin E (membrane integrity), folate (cell division) and other B vitamins.

High fibre content helping weight loss and digestive health

  • Mangoes contain plenty of water and dietary fibre, so they will help regulate your bowl movements and solve digestive problems like constipation and diarrhoea.
  • It is important to note that no studies have shown a direct link between consuming mango and weight loss. However, we know that a healthy balanced diet leads to weight loss and/or a healthy weight maintenance. Mangoes can make up part of a healthy balanced diet providing one of your five fruits and vegetables a day.

Helps support eye health

  • As we mentioned earlier mangoes contain 54ug of Vitamin A per 100g.
  • Vitamin A has many functions in the body such as supporting the immune system, playing an important role in the structure and function of skin and mucous membranes, and therefore making it essential for your vision.

Remember that fresh fruit may be more satisfying than dried fruit, as the serving size for dried fruit is much smaller than fresh fruit. When the water evaporates during the drying process, the calories and sugars do not.

Negative health benefits of eating mango

  • Although mango is classed as a low glycaemic index (GI) food (a score of 51 which is similar to orange juice), it is still full of natural sugars with around 90% of the calories coming from sugar. It is important to eat mangoes in moderation and with meals when possible.
  • Although a low GI, those with diabetes are likely to see a rise in their blood sugar readings due to this sugar content.
  • Allergic to latex? Wait… what has that got to do with mango. Well, there is a small chance that mango can trigger a cross reaction. A similar warning is given to those who are allergic to poison ivy. Mango skin contains small amounts of the compound urushiol (the cause of the rash you develop after touching poison ivy) so if you experience a negative reaction, it is best to remove all the mango skin and take care.

Mango is delicious and healthy. Like any healthy food eating too much of it is not recommended, however, in moderate amounts mango has many health benefits. Mango is packed full of vitamins and provides valuable fibre in the diet.  What is your favourite way to eat or drink mango?  

Studies discussed in the article

Title- Mangiferin: a natural miracle bioactive compound against lifestyle-related disorders
Authors- Muhammad Imran, Muhammad Sajid Arshad, Masood Sadiq Butt, Joong-Ho Kwon, Muhammad Umair Arshad, and Muhammad Tauseef Sultan
Link- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5414237/

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