Why should you drink more water?

Drinking sufficient water is arguably one of the most important activities for health that we do each day. However, sometimes we aren’t drinking enough which may lead to impaired performance.

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Drinking sufficient water is arguably one of the most important activities for health that we do each day. However, sometimes we aren’t drinking enough which may lead to impaired performance.

The human body is mainly made up of water (about 70% in an adult and 80% in children). Similar to calories, the right amount of water to be drunk is dictated by the balance between the intake and the losses.

So how much water should I be drinking?

The daily recommendations are 8 glasses of water a day (2-2.5Litres).

  • This amount may increase for reasons such hot weather, illness or exercise.
  • Water, milk and sugar free drinks can be counted as a glass of ‘water’. However, it is best to try to have 8 glasses of water and other drinks on top of this.
  • Tea and coffee do not count as they are mild diuretics, meaning they encourage you to urinate more frequently. Although a few cups a day is unlikely to cause dehydration it may increase your bathroom breaks!

Dehydration can lead to

  • Headaches, dizziness and diffiulty concentrating
  • Feeling tired
  • Dry eyes and mouth
  • Reduced mental performance
  • Reduced endurance, power and strength performance during exercise
  • Dark coloured urine (a good indicator you should drink more water)

If you feel thirsty your body is warning you to drink something to prevent becoming dehydrated. It is best to try and avoid getting thirsty!

Here are some tips about how to drink more water each day

  • Always take a glass of water to bed with you
  • Always have water with dinner
  • Keep a full water bottle on your desk
  • You can try adding natural flavourings to your water such as lemon, mint or cucumber
  • You can track your water intake with our app to help you form good habits
  • Alternate alcoholic drinks with water
  • Make sure to hydrate before, during and after you have worked out
  • Have a glass of water while you are waiting for your coffee

It is essential to drink enough water each day. Forming habits to make sure you reach your daily goal is the best way to make sure you do not become dehydrated. Share this article with someone you think should drink more water!

Studies discussed in the article

Minor degree of hypohydration adversely influences cognition: a mediator analysis
Benton D, Jenkins KT, Watkins HT, Young HA.
Link- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27510536/

Effects of hydration on cognitive function of pilots
Lindseth PD, Lindseth GN, Petros TV, Jensen WC, Caspers J.
Link- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23820354/

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