Why nyootrition?

We all want to lead a long and healthy life – with minimal effort! I feel the same. In between our family, home, work, friends, hobbies, learning, exploring, holidays we’d like to fit in our health – sometimes with great success and other times not so well.

The key for us lies within our balanced nutritious food supported by exercise. I strongly feel that centuries of tweaking nutrition in home-made food has given us the most balanced options and rediscovering these recipes would improve our health immensely. Exploring global cuisines expands our mind and opens us to new tastes and experiences…. and who doesn’t like the ease of picking up an al-desko meal during a busy work day filled with deadlines!

So how do you know if you’ve fed your body a balanced diet and supported whatever exercise you do to keep yourself fit?

We are putting together Nyootrition (~nutrition) to help us learn more about our diet and fitness.

Explore our family recipes and learn more about the nutrition in them. Learn the right portion sizes based on our fitness goals. Suggest healthy swaps to make the recipes healthier – and support any specific health concerns.

Have fun collating your family recipes form your grandparents and moms – share these with your family and friends and compare with other families. Let’s have some food fights and learn from other families to see which recipes are healthier !

Lastly maintain your food and fitness diary for a few days and learn what works for you – log your day and intuitively know how to feed yourself and your family.

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